Settle with the best

We are proud to offer the most complete personal injury medicolegal expert witness report service in Australia. As personal injury lawyers know, psychological sequelae invariably follow catastrophic injury.  Our expert registered psychologists assess the impact of psychological injury on day-to-day care needs, return-to-work capability, and overall psychological functioning.


Our expert witness psychologists can assess the impact of

  • primary psychological injury
  • psychological sequelae
  • mental health conditions
  • any other psychological condition or injury.


Our psychological medicolegal reports can cover:


Psychological functional assessments

Comprehensive psychological functional assessments, providing insightful analyses of an individual’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning. These assessments are invaluable in understanding an individual’s capacity for daily activities, decision-making, and interpersonal relationships, as well as their ability to engage in vocational and avocational activities.


Fitness for work evaluations

Evaluates an individual’s psychological fitness for work, whether assessing an employee’s ability to return to their previous role or determining suitability for specific job responsibilities


Liability opinion

Offers comment on whether the injury is work related or not, and/or how much of the injury is compensable versus non-compensable.


Our psych reports can stand alone, or can support our ADL/OT Reports and/or our Vocational Assessments, or even our WHS Liability Reports.

All reports combine standardised testing tools with our own extensive clinical and medicolegal experience.

NEW! Short-form OT Reports

Activities of Daily Living Reports for less complex scenarios.
Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Reports

Activities of Daily Living reports, Loss of Dependency and Life Care Plans.

Vocational Assessments

Vocational Assessments and Reports by registered Occupational Therapists.
Forensic Accounting Reports

Forensic Accounting Reports

Personal Injury Losses calculations and Economic Loss reports.

Video Evidence

Day In The Life DVDs, as well as Video Notes to accompany OT reports.
Commission the Best


OT reports assessing day-to-day care needs under the NDIS.

Liability Reports

Expert opinion on employer WHS liability toward injured employees.

Vocational Assessments

Psychologist Reports

Expert medicolegal opinion on psychological capacity: return-to work assessments, and day-to-day psychological functioning assessments.